International Community for Practice Research in Social Work

Journals - Special Issues
Austin, M.J. & Johannesen, A. (Guest Editors) (2015). HUSK Norwegian Social Service Enhancement Projects. Journal of Evidence-informed Social Work. 12 (1).
Austin, M.J. (Guest Editor) (2012). Building Knowledge-sharing Systems to Support Evidence-informed Practice: Case Studies of Works-in-Progress in Public Sector Human Service Organizations. Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work. 9 (1-2).
Austin, M.J. (Guest Editor) (2011). Organizational Histories of Pioneering Nonprofit Human Service Organizations. Journal of Evidence-based Social Work. 8 (1-2).
Epstein, I. & Austin, M.J. (Guest Editors) (2016). Teaching Practice Research. Journal of Teaching in Social Work. 36 (1).
Julkunen, I. & Marthinsen, E. (Guest Editors) (2011). Practice Research in Nordic Social Work: Knowledge Production in Transition – II. Social Work and Social Science Review: An International Journal of Applied Research. 15 (2).