International Community for Practice Research in Social Work
Disaster Management
Chan, T. M. S., & Sim, T. (2020). East meets West: Five decades of practice research in Hong Kong. Research on Social Work Practice, 30(3), 259-266. DOI: 10.1177/1049731519866507
Cui, K., & Sim, T. (2017). Older people’s psychosocial needs in a disaster rural community of China: An exploratory study. Natural Hazards, 85(3), 1577-1590. DOI:10.1007/s11069-016-2649-6
Rodgers, J., Su, G. W., Qi, W. H., Milledge, D., Densmore, A., Davis, C., England, P., Young, J., Cao, Y., Chakos, A., Li, X. L., Sim, T., So, E., Parsons, B., Yu, J. L., Sun, L., & Guo, C. L. (2020). Creating an Earthquake Scenario in China: A Case Study in Weinan City, Shaanxi Province. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 42, 101305.
Sim, T. (2011). Mapping changing territories: Developing an expanded school mental health network in a post-earthquake Chinese context. Journal of Social Work. 11(3), 326-330.
Sim, T., & Lau, V. C. (2017). The emergence of social work practice research in the People’s Republic of China: A literature review. Research on Social Work Practice, 27(1), 8-18. DOI: 10.1177/1049731516646455
Sim, T., & Wong, D. (2008). Working with Chinese families in adolescent drug treatment. Journal of Social Work Practice, 22(1), 103-118.
Sim, T., Choo, H., & Low-Lim, A. (2020). Client's perspectives: A multi-dimensional internet gaming. Family Relations.
Sim, T., He, M. Y., Chen, H. C., & Yang, W. Q. (2022, online first). Roles and tasks of Chinese social workers in disaster management. British Journal of Social Work.
Sim, T., Lau, J., Cui, K., Wei, H.H. (2019). Post-disaster Psychosocial Capacity Building for Women in a Chinese Rural Village. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 10(2), 193-203. DOI: 10.1007/s13753-019-0221-1
Sim, T., Liu, Y., & Li, S. J. (2017). Working together: Developing a disaster risk reduction first aid training in a post-earthquake Chinese context. Journal of Social Work, 17(4), 491-497. DOI: